Feeling Hungry? Here are Some Delicious Quick Ideas for Dinner
When you need some quick ideas for dinner to feed the family or kids and at the same time you are running out of time, you should try these recipes. With lots of healthy, quick, vegetarian, chicken, fish and budget-friendly ideas, there’s something for everyone!
Fish’n Chips
900 gr cod fish
150 gr cassava flour
50 gr almond flour
7 gr inactive yeast
spices (salt and paprika)
3 eggs
salt and pepper
olive oil
1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and grease the tray with olive oil.
2. Cut the fish into the desired shape, and remove the excess of liquid with a paper towel, then season it with your favorite mix (I used salt and pepper).
3. Prepare a bowl where you put the flour mixture, inactive yeast and spices and in a second bowl beat the eggs with the spices. Pass through flour mixture, egg, flour mix, place in baking tray and spray with olive oil.
4. Place in the oven for 30 minutes and serve wonderfully with baked potato wedges, salad and guacamole.
Cold Pasta Salad with Tahini Sauce
Whenever you are hungry, this recipe must be part of your quick ideas for diner.
Spiral pasta made from organic wholemeal rice
Lots of parsley
Bell peppers
Diced and cooked chicken breast as desired
Kalamata olives
Boiled eggs
For the sauce prepared in the blender you need:
2 tablespoons full of tahini
Juice of half a lemon
spices: a pinch of salt, Italian spice mix, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 clove crushed garlic, and water to reach the desired consistency (I used 10 tablespoons of water)
We mix the ingredients and enjoy the obtained sauce in a cold pasta salad.
Baked Cauliflower
A cauliflower
Favorite spice mix (eg salt, pepper, paprika, turmeric, granulated garlic, cayenne pepper, cumin, etc …)
Olive oil
1. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and prepare a tray lined with baking paper
2. Wash the cauliflower, cut into the desired shape and place in the prepared tray
3. Combine the oil with your favorite spice mix until a paste is obtained
4. Pour the paste obtained over the cauliflower, massaging it so that it reaches evenly everywhere
5. Place the pan in the oven for 30-40 minutes
Enjoy these quick ideas for dinner!
Recipe and photography by Sweet Lemon